1172: Definition fl.controls:TileList could not be found.

LibraryI have been working on a flash project in ActionScript 3 lately for a class and I ran into an error. I have been trying to use a TileList component for a horizontally scrolling thumbnail gallery. The error was 1172: Definition fl.controls:TileList could not be found. The beginning of my AS3 looked like:

import fl.controls.TileList;<br /> import fl.controls.ScrollBarDirection;

I tried dragging a TileList component from the Library and running it again and it worked! I deleted the TileList component from the stage and ran it again and it still worked. I’m not sure why I got these results but I am glad that my project is working again. Hope this helps some who might run into the same problem. If you know why this is the way it is I would love to know.