Life At A Startup

Before I get started let’s get 2 points out in the open:

1) Yes, at the time of this blog post I am unemployed.

2) Kynetx is still kickin butt and taking names. Kynetx FTW!

Yesterday morning I found out that I no longer had a job at Kynetx as Kynetx was shifting to plan B. Any good startup worth their salt always has a plan B and Kynetx is executing that plan B. In Steve Fulling’s own words, “failed bridge financing. Re-aligned staffing to revenue. We’re open & okay”. I’m bummed out that I don’t get to be a part of that plan B execution but I have known since the day I joined the team that this was always a possibility and I have absolutely no regrets about joining the Kynetx team. One of my best friends, Michael Farmer, expresses my feelings better than I could over on his blog post at

While the last 48 hours have been a roller coaster of an emotional ride, my wife and I are very excited for the future and all of the possibilities that it holds. I am overflowing with gratitude and love for everyone on the Kynetx team family. I have grown tremendously as an individual and as a developer while working at Kynetx and have learned so very much from all the extremely smart and talented team. I gladly welcome any future opportunities to work with anyone on the team and highly recommend each one of them.

Here’s to an exciting future.

oh! And what blog post from me about Kynetx would be complete without some “Grace faces” that have become somewhat legendary within the Kynetx team.


Several of my co-workers have also blogged about the recent change at Kynetx and they are all a good read.

Mike Farmer ->

Q Wade Billings ->

Sam Curren ->

Jessie Morris ->

Phil Windley ->

Alex Olson -> [broken link]

Also, a friend/fan of Kynetx has also blogged about his thoughts on the recent events

Holden Page ->