Conversation Starter For Introverts

I’m sure other introverts have the same issue, but I often find it difficult or uncomfortable talking with new people or even people I already know. Often times I’ll run out of things to say or questions to ask. Maybe I won’t even know how to start a conversation. That is why I really like the idea of starting conversations with “How can I help you reach your goal?

I enjoy learning about and seeing what people are passionate about. I also love helping others when I can. What a great way to start conversations, make new connections and help others out where I can. I’m setting a goal right now to try this the next 3 times I meet someone new to see how it goes. Once I ask the question and find a way to help, I am going to take action using at least one of the three suggestions Shaun makes on his post:

  • Write about the solution to their problem on my blog
  • Take a quick video with more than a monologue, but helpful tips to help them reach their goal
  • Give them a shoutout on my social platforms.

Inspired by: Shaun Nestor at